Affirmations for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

If you’re dealing with fears and anxiety leading up to birth, it can feel overwhelming. While it is very normal (and even helpful!) to have fears leading up to birth, there are things you can do to help yourself feel more confident leading up to the birth of your baby. Whether you will have a birth doula present or not, practicing birth affirmations is one of my biggest pieces of advice for expecting parents.

Regularly affirming yourself as the brave, capable, peaceful birther that you ARE encourages your subconscious to start to internalize these beliefs. The first step to making it true is to speak it.

You can find affirmations online to start (and there are some listed here), but you may find creating your own affirmations throughout pregnancy to be very helpful. This list can give you some ideas to get started. 

Affirmations for Pregnancy

  • This feels hard because it is hard. I can do hard things

  • I trust my instincts

  • Each day in the womb my baby is growing stronger

  • My baby and I are deeply connected

  • I am doing everything I can to ensure a healthy pregnancy

Affirmations for Birth

  • I am safe, I am supported

  • WIth each wave I soften

  • I trust my body

  • I am supported by the strength of those who have birthed before me

  • Inhale peace, exhale tension

Affirmations for Postpartum

  • This is important work

  • I love and appreciate my body

  • Me and my baby are learning together

  • I give myself permission to rest

  • I am strong, I am grounded

When you are creating your own affirmations, try not to think too much about it. You may find that ideas for an affirmation come to you when you least expect it. When you’re showering, driving, falling asleep at night. Keep a list of them on your phone. If you’re experiencing writer's block, here are some ideas to consider for

creating your own affirmations

  1. Reflect on Your Journey: Consider your emotions, fears, strengths, and aspirations. What messages do you need to hear to feel supported, empowered, and at peace? Identify the key themes or areas where you would like to focus your affirmations.

  2. Be Present and Positive: Craft your affirmations in the present tense, as if they are already true. This helps align your subconscious mind with your desired beliefs and outcomes. Choose positive and empowering language that uplifts and encourages you. Avoid using negations or words that emphasize what you don't want.

  3. Make Them Personal: Infuse your affirmations with personal details and intentions. Use your own name or the name of your baby. Connect your affirmations to your values, goals, and desires. The more personal and specific they are to your journey, the more impact they will have on your mindset.

  4. Keep Them Realistic: While affirmations should be positive and inspiring, it's important to keep them rooted in reality. Make sure they are believable to maintain their effectiveness. Striking a balance between stretching your beliefs and maintaining a sense of possibility is key.

  5. Use Visualizations and Sensory Details: Incorporate visualizations and sensory details to enhance the effectiveness of your affirmations. Imagine the sights, sounds, and feelings associated with your affirmations. Engage all your senses to create a vivid and powerful mental image of your desired outcome.

When you feel good about your list, write them all out. Sticky notes, index cards to decorate, a whole decorated poster board…the possibilities are endless! During pregnancy you can pull an affirmation card before you fall asleep at night and meditate on it’s message. While you’re in labor you can have them laid out around you. After your babies here, you may find affirmations nearby to be encouraging. 

Change them as needed. Add to them to make them feel true to yourself. Repeat them daily, and enjoy the benefits!


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