Questions to ask when interviewing a doula

An interview (commonly known as a “consultation”) with a doula you’re interested in hiring is a chance to get to know their personality, learn more about their experience, and decide if you’d enjoy working with them. There are doulas that are more data-driven, those that are passionate about their clients feeling empowered, and those that love helping their clients process & release fears before birth. Most doulas check a lot of these boxes, but as you just read that- there was likely one of those three that stuck out to you more than the others. 

No two doulas are the same, just as no two expecting parents are the same. A good first step before meeting with potential doulas, is to first check in with yourself.

What is it that you’re looking for? A few things to consider…

  • What type of birth are you envisioning? Would you like someone there guiding you step by step, or someone simply holding space and witnessing you? 

  • What would your expectations be for prenatal meetings & availability for questions?

  • How does your partner want to be involved in the birth? 

  • Do you want someone ready to speak up for you, or would you prefer they create space for you to ask questions yourself during labor?

  • Would you prefer someone who can send you all of the research articles you’re looking for, or someone who will be available anytime to be a listening ear?

Have an idea of what it is that you’re looking for.

Some questions to ask a potential doula…

  • What is your favorite part of supporting birth?

  • Are you a more hands-on doula, or do you sit back unless needed?

  • What made you decide to get into birth work?

  • Tell me about your training and experience.

  • What do you wish all expecting parents knew before labor and birth?

Bring your birth partner with you to the consultation as well. A common concern with birth partners is that the doula will “replace” them during labor. This is something to bring up as well during the consultation (“How do you support partners during birth to be involved in the experience?”), and encourage your birth partner to come to the consultation with other questions prepared. Your birth partner should feel confident about the doula you decide to hire, so that everyone is on the same page and the birth team feels harmonious.

And of course, there are the logistical questions.

Some logistical things to consider…

  • When does your 24/7 on-call schedule for my birth start and end?

  • What is your fee? Do you offer payment plans?

  • What does prenatal support look like? How often will we meet?

  • If there is an emergency and you cannot attend my birth, do you have a back-up doula? Will I meet them?

  • Do you offer any additional services for your clients?

Above all, it should feel like a good energetic fit. Like the two of you just “click”. This is not like hiring someone to help you file your taxes…this is someone who will be with you through a massively transformational experience. Just as you should interview more than one care provider, interview more than one doula. You want to feel a full-body YES before hiring your doula. You’ll know when you’ve found the right one.


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