Hold My Hand:

Birth Partner Prep Workshop

Gone are the days of joking about how worthless partners are at births. You & your partner can work together to bring your baby earthside.

How would it feel to be on the same page with your partner with your upcoming birth, excited & confident to work together throughout labor & birth?

Birth is a sacred initiation of the family, and partners deserve to feel like a fully integrated & indispensable part of the experience.

My goal is that partners leave this class feeling empowered in their role as the steady rock in the birthing experience, & that birthers leave feeling like they have a weight lifted from their shoulders… because they’ve already done all the research and have felt prepared, and now their partner feels prepared too.

In this workshop we dive into…

  • Comfort measures

    • Practice comfort measures & discover what you might find most helpful

  • Physiologic birth basics

    • Hormones & brainwaves in labor, and how to support them

  • Stages of labor

    • Ways to decipher the different stages - without a cervical check

    • If planning a hospital birth, ways to decide when to head in

  • Advocacy

    • How to effectively communicate with your birth team

    • Understanding the Birth Plan

    • “What do I do if she says she wants an epidural?”

Also included:

  • Birth Plan Preparation Mini-Course

  • Birth Plan Template

  • “Partner Support” PDF to take home




Do I need to have any prior knowledge about birth to take this class?

Not at all! This class is designed for beginners and experienced partners alike. We’ll cover everything you & your partner need to know to feel confident heading into your labor journey.

Should we take this class together, or is this class just for the birth partner?

This class is focused on preparing the birth partner, however, you’ll ultimately be learning how to work as a team. Both birther & birth partner should come, to feel more confident and connected heading into birth.

What will I learn in this class that I won’t get in other childbirth classes?

Most childbirth classes cover birth at a high level, but this class dives deep into preparing birth partners as the support person, while also teaching about physiologic birth.

What if labor doesn’t go as planned? Will this class still be helpful?

Yes! Birth is unpredictable, but the skills you & your partner will learn in this class— staying calm under pressure, emotional and physical support, and advocacy— will be invaluable no matter how your birth unfolds.

Is this class only for unmedicated births? What if I know I want to get an epidural?

The tools we teach are equally valuable for any type of birth. Your partner will be prepared to support you in any scenario, whether at home, in a hospital, & with or without medical interventions.

I saw the Birth Plan Preparation Mini-Course that’s also included… what does that cover?

The Birth Plan Preparation Mini-Course walks you through all you could need to know in putting your birth plan together. It is perfect for families wanting a low-intervention, unmedicated hospital birth. I would suggest completing the mini-course before the Birth Partner Workshop, as we will be discussing birth plans.